Musings from the front - Late Storm

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Musings from the front - Late Storm

Post by Rufus »

"Zombies, Sah! Fousands of 'em!" reported the Colour Sargent earlier in the morning.

Lt Warlord Heort Bevunesdaughter stood the regiment to as Delecti the Necromancer's forces headed towards them.
It was a terrifying prospect but the rallying speech by the King had steadied everyone and they faced the enemy with determination.

"Look to your front, mark your targets" was repeated up and down the line by the subalterns.

Heort summoned her Hundred Thanes to advise them on her strategy. "Our position here is strong and they will dash themselves to pieces against us. Line Garrevsdaughter, you will remain with your forces here. Bronzer and Stargazer, you will use the power of Orlanth to conceal yourselves and take them in the flank. We will crush them!" Rufus spoke up "Warlord - a bold strategy! But does it risk your position being overwhelmed? Would one of our battalions be sufficient for the flank attack?". Heort was curt - "I will not have my orders questioned - go do your duty!"

The clouds of Orlanth did indeed conceal the hidden battalions whilst Heort's forces used sunlight to dismay the undead. As the undead closed with Heort, Rufus and Eric pounced! But Mularik's company were not the only ones using magic. Darkness fell and the flank attack missed its mark. Eric and Rufus had hit one of the command tents - it looked to belong to some sort of alchemist - Orichal?? Scattering the undead present, the area was looted for documentation, plans and anything else movable.

The flank attack had not been perfect but it had caused disruption and the undead ceased their assault on Heort and pulled back to realign themselves against Rufus and Eric. However, the slowness of their formation keeping allowed Rufus and Eric to withdraw their forces safely and fall back to Heort's position - where they arrived in the nick of time. The situation was grim and Rufus and Erik piled into the remaining undead fighting through to Heort. She was fighting a pale skinned female undead of terrifying power. She dealt a crushing blow to Heort but Eric attacked from her front whilst Rufus stabbed her from the side. Rufus considered himself an expert with the spear but Eric's weaponskill was blindingly fast. Well worthy of being a King's Champion! Between them they felled the horror. Both killed more evil and powerful undead, driving the Delecti forces away. They returned to find that the heavy fighting had caused grievous casualties. Foremost amongst them was Heort Bevunesdaughter, who despite the renowned expertise of the Chalana Arroy healer, she had succumbed to her wounds. The healer, a new recruit to the regiment was grief stricken at not been able to save her.

Rufus was moved by the chap's deep sadness. "Here, old chap, you have done you best! That is all we can ask! As a small token of our respect for you skills, you can have this as a gift" and proffers a month's wages for a subaltern of Mularik's Company on the distraught fellow.
Baron Rufus Bronzer
Clansman of the proud Kheldon Tribe -This small but very wealthy urban clan is the "most noble" clan of Sartar - but the wealth seems to have passed me by.
Warlord Mularik's Company Orlanth Initiate
Chieftain's son.
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